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More of an April Update

Things continue to go great through the blessings of God. I am really excited about starting my PhD coursework at OISE/University of Toronto. I start in May. I have now paid my fees and looking forward to getting my Robarts library card activated so I can make full use of their wonderful resource. OISE looks as though they have a good library too.

I found out some terrific news lately. I will be teaching a dramatic writing course at Ryerson University's Chang School. This is in continuing education. The contract should come in the mail by Thursday. I'm really looking forward to this. I have been sent the course outline and I now have the required text that looks really interesting to teach from as a base. I have seen the movies we will be screening and it's going to be a really exciting class over May and June.

For July and August I will be teaching the second half of media writing, taking over from the esteemed Roger McTair at Seneca College. I'm really looking forward to that too. I have an interview for another teaching job this Monday coming up, plus finally a face-to-face interview for some bilingual consulting work I have been working on in French and English. Things are looking good. I had another interview on Tuesday for some occasional work with a consulting firm working with the University of Toronto and I should know for sure about that by Friday.

I have completed my work at George Brown College. I learned a lot while I was there and the students were absolutely excellent. I'm just wrapping everything up with Centennial College and also wrapping things up for the winter semester with Seneca College. My latest book has been Teaching Curriculum Ideas. My book sales have not been too bad, however I am really looking forward to the booth I have rented at the Word on the Street Festival in September that takes place in Toronto.

My recent intern Chris Temelkos from Seneca College is working out really well. I found out that my hunch about Rachel Muenz's career was right. She is a former intern of mine on Donna, and now will be working for a newspaper in Saskatchewan, Canada. I'm so happy for her. She will do excellent work I know for sure. I know she will really enjoy her experience too. Another one of my more recent students, Jonathan McGill, who is actually related to one of the founders of McGill University, is an extremely talented singer. Please check out his MySpace page by following the link posted up on my magazine at:

I was recently a guest on a show with host Robin Marvel (her real name) on "Live out Loud." It was a lot of fun. On the show I discussed a lot of things, as well as a play I was going to be in at Artscape Wychwood Barns in my neighbourhood. It turns out I will no longer be in the play. The experience helped me to fully realize that I should stick with what I know - the nuts and bolts of what my business is about (freelance communication). Well, it was a great experience and I got a chance to work briefly with some really amazing people.

The wonderful thing about the play experience is that every black woman I met associated with it was wearing her natural black hair. It was a great experience and I am still pondering if this project could work into part of my research for my dissertation on hair and clothes politics, art and education. It sure was a refreshing experience considering that it is in the aesthetically dominated field of the creative arts. Something to think about.

I'm having a blast. It sure does help that my place is tidy. Thank you Crystal Clear Maids. I recommend them. I do not do it often, however, when I do - it really does help to clear my head. I also washed my hair and that helped too :-).


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