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May Update

Hello everyone!

I started my PhD program as a full-time student officially on May 3, 2010. I am taking one online course in foundations of curriculum with Dr. Heather Sykes and an in-class course with Dr. Stephanie Springgay on arts-based research. I am enjoying both tremendously.

With the online course, it is really interesting how you can respond to the discussion postings, as well as produce work that has links to videos, podcasts and include stories from blogs and photographs. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I have not received any marks back yet, however I hope the fact I am having a lot of fun with it is an indication that I am doing well.

The arts-based research class is a blast too. On the first day we all learned some fascinating things about the origin of arts-based research, as well as some of the schools of thought on the topic. On the second day, we went down to Trinity Square Video at 401 Richmond St. W. in Toronto and saw three documentaries and a piece of video art. It was a lot of fun. We all went to a café after and discussed what we saw. On the third day, we made felt in class and Dr. Springgay mentioned that unlike knitting, when you make felt it cannot be undone. It got me thinking that creating dreadlocks, or locks for hair, is like this too. Once you do them, they cannot be undone. Tonight I will be doing a presentation for that class. Soon I will also check Blackboard to see about my discussion posting for the new unit in the foundations class and then off I go to Centennial for the afternoon to present at a conference about a trip I took to Germany.

My teaching at Ryerson is thoroughly enjoyable. Last night we watched Night of the Living Dead, directed by George Romero. I really enjoyed seeing the film again, since it had been decades since I had seen it before. It's funny what you remember.

So these main three things are the bulk of my life over May and June. When July comes, I will be teaching media writing at Seneca College, plus taking two more courses at the University of Toronto. I will be taking Schooling in Hollywood Movies, as well as Education and Popular Culture. Both these courses are in different departments than the CTL (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning) one I am in. I am looking forward to them.

I hope everyone is enjoying May! The weather has been cool in Toronto, however I feel very optimistic that it will pick up.


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