I'm looking for as many participants as possible, from all different walks of life and cultural backgrounds, etc., to participate in a survey on my online multimedia magazine Donna: http://kakonged.wordpress.com. The topic is the politics of black hair. I look forward to your participation.
All participants will later be invited to be extraordinary students in a free online course linked to the politics of black hair that would last over four months and be targeted to young and old adults - and everyone in between like me. After completing the survey, please send me an email to both: dkakonge@sympatico.ca and dkakonge@gmail.com to avoid computer problems.
The cap of enrollment for the online global course is 300 people. That is about all this teacher, journalist, author can deal with at max. I would like to fill it to maximum, so please - participate, help, learn and grow. Times of the classes will be flexible and will be modeled after a University of Toronto course I have taken at U of T. U of T is also the school where I am currently a PhD student at.
Thanks again!
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