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I can barely believe it. I went to a hairdresser for the first time in five years. Thank you Jill Andrew for having the BITE ME! Festival because I swear it was the inciting incident to my personal drama with my hair.

I washed my hair on Friday and my hair was becoming quite dry because I was washing it too often. Charmaine told me I should only wash it every two weeks, which makes sense. Even Caucasian Jamie (my former student with the most beautiful hair!) told me that you should not wash your hair too often because it takes out the natural oils. Charmaine said the same thing!

My best hairdresser so far in my life has been my younger sister Lisa. Charmaine is a very loving and lovely person. You really do need to have a loving heart to be a hairdresser. It's interesting because my sister is a Scorpio and Charmaine is also a Scorpio. My former fiancé is a Scorpio and he has terrific hair. Scorpio have good hair from my experience. Plus, they tend to be very loving people - just do not cross them! Their hearts are so big they cannot take it so I know from experience they will cut you off so they no longer need to feel pain. I actually admire this method. I'm just a stupid Leo :-).

Charmaine is a wonderful hairdresser. Wow...finally...I'm back on the track of starting locks again. So, I guess, yes...what I changed the title of my book to in 2006 about hair What Happened to the Afro? is turning out to be completely appropriate. I sent a copy to a hopeful supervisor at OISE, Dr. Lance McCready and I know the book is good. He will discover faster than he thought that I do know how to write. Not that I am taking myself too seriously - it's just that there are many things I am NOT good at - such as organizing huge events like Jill Andrew is so good at. I can write - this I have known since God Bless her soul, Mrs. Chen my former teacher told me since I was 7. I have trusted her opinion ever since. Does the woman even know what a powerful effect she has had on me?

OK...back to my hair. It looks great. The five-year break from hairdressers have done it some good. I needed that. I'm getting old (yet, still young in the grand scheme of things - actually very young). The reason why I mention this is because when it comes to my hair, I needed to get some help to make it look its best. I used to know a lot about hair maintenance (I still know some), however Charmaine really gave me a refresher course in just 120 minutes and less. She should teach! She's good.

My online black hair course starts on Monday, so this was another inciting incident for my professional drama. Going to Charmaine was like paying to be reminded of the kind of issues that will be coming up for my course. It was like training and I thank you from the bottom of my heart Charmaine. You are truly a wonderful person.

If you would be interested in Charmaine's work, please contact her at: She is also extremely affordable.


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