Hello everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. I have been wanting to do something different with my hair for a long time. I get really tired of wearing it in a bun or tying it up in a conservative fashion. Perhaps it is the fact that I am reaching 40 in two years that makes me think of doing something more hip and easier to deal with. I have been thinking of locks for a long time and I found the thin ones did not look good on me, just like a thin body does not particularly look good on me either. I'm reading an amazing book called The Fat Studies Reader that I saw a fellow thesis group colleague with in Dr. Lance McCready's circle at OISE/University of Toronto.
So...I thought about going back to the woman Charmaine who did my hair back in August. Then I thought of calling another woman named Charmaine who comes to your home. Then I thought, I spent years and years doing my own hair in my 20s and 30s...why stop now? It seems to be working, actually I know it is working. I wish I had a picture to share with all of you of when I cut off all of my hair back in about 2004. It was the idea of a very nice man I was dating, however I was not happy with the results and if I just knew better how to take care of my natural hair - it would not have happened.
With that said, I recommend the same books many black hair naturalists recommend for hair care...Pamela Ferrell and Lonnice Brittenum Bonner are great. These two I truly think are the best. There are many, many more I could suggest and that will be coming in future. Just give me some more time. I'm still working on my research on black hair politics.

Well...I have started big plaits that I am hoping at the moment will lock. I hope I stick to it. Sometimes I get scared because locking is so permanent. I actually find it easier to stick with my PhD program than locking my hair and I really admire people who do it. I see some really beautiful locks all over Toronto. It is quite the beautiful sight. Sisters and brothers of all colours, persuasions and religions rocking the bounded twists. Wow! You all inspire me. Well...here is my contribution to the "royal bed head." May I have the faith to wear my hair like a crown - Gloria Wade Gayles.
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