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The Glories of Castille Soap

Nothing else has helped to grow my hair as the combination between castile soap and olive oil.

I used to use this combination while in my mid-20s and (age too) helped to grow my hair into the middle of my back. I wish I had pictures, however you will have to take my word for it. Not only is castile soap ph-balanced, it also contains essential oils that are perfect for super curly hair. The olive oil also added oil to my hair too, however sometimes I would feel as though my head was baking during the summer time.

At Noah's Health Food store at Spadina and Bloor in Toronto, I bought my first bottle of Dr. Bonner's Castile soap in ages. It was wonderful that I actually remembered the shampoo that had been so good for me for so long. The only reason why I ever stopped using it was because when I moved to Montreal - I was not in tune with the health food store shopping thing and picked up Lush products (which were not bad) instead.

If you have super curly hair, you may find castile soap to be exactly what you need. I am still going through my bottle of the ph-balanced glycerine soap I bought before. By time the really cool, harsh and dry weather comes - which can play havoc on super curly hair - my castile soap will be there to protect me.


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