I recently was dating someone (very briefly) who told me that if I were to lose more weight he would find me more attractive. Well, some may think that at least he was being honest and I do appreciate his honesty. The thing is that telling someone that is also a form of control. It is far from acceptance and when you are with someone - you are with them. Outside of grievous errors to their personality that you as a partner can help them to learn and grow from - if you do not like your partner's size, colour, height - whatever those fickle external things may be - then leave. You can always find someone who will be more attractive to you, however would be different in many other ways.
Call it age or something, I'm not sure what it is - however, I do not find myself as obsessed about my image the same way I was when I was younger. As long as I shower, wash my hair on the days I have planned to do so, plus comb my hair and dress in something cheery that does not have holes or smell - really - I am happy after that. Is this a good way to attract a man? Well, time will tell on that front. As much as I know and understand beauty - it is not the only thing I am looking for in a partner. Even though I did my thesis on a topic that may seem quite vain to some (about hair), truly my point was to get to the root of the issue - what is inside the head more than what is on the outside. This society needs to stop being so image conscious and focused on first impressions. What ever happened to the art of communication in order to get to know someone, rather than the art of show and tell? There is a difference.
Some may say it is just a human thing. Even a thing for all creatures. We mate based on physical appearances. I really cannot say I have the answer to this one, if you have thoughts...please do chime in. If you would like to have more information about Natural Beauty, I have a book by that name that can be bought at: http://stores.lulu.com/kakonged.
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