I must share with you all about this wonderful product that I got from my friend/research participant Robbin Melton who is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is a "cocoawhip" as she calls it and it is shea butter with cocoa butter added. It is absolutely wonderful! I highly recommend that you get some and you contact her at: robbin.melton@gmail.com. The shea butter has been a lifesaver to me. She whips it up within a day and sends it out to you really fast! She is great! She has also been an extremely valuable research participant for my politics of black hair online study.
I got a chance to strut my stuff (thanks to my former terrific professor Mr. Frajkor) at a National Ethnic Media Council of Canada function at the Cypriot Community Centre in Toronto with the shea in my hair. This picture I am including is not how I looked that night, however as you can see - the product really can improve the health of your hair.
I also wore Robbin's product when I went to my niece Oshun's Christmas Concert. My Mom said "this is the best I've ever seen your hair :-)." Well, so far, Robbin's product is getting rave reviews and my mother's opinion means the world to me. She is an extremely wise woman.
Also what you may notice from the picture is that from my declaration of going with dreads from my last posting...my hair is not locked :-(. I just keep finding it too hard and I have decided to give up. People who think having beautiful locks are easy really do not know! I do not even know because I have not been able to achieve them. My hair has been natural since 1993, 2011 makes 18 years - my hair is now an official virgin adult from chemicals :-). I'm alright with that. Things are good :-).
So many blessings to all of you beautiful people for the New Year. As my new friend Sarah says, may you have 1001 blessings as they say in Nepal apparently.
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