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Buying Wigs

There was a time when I was far more foolish about money. I was on the streetcar with a good friend of mine and we decided to get off so I could look into a store on west Queen West in Toronto.

I got into the store and decided to buy a $200.00 CDN wig! The wig was long and black with bangs and I am not completely sure what possessed me to spend that much money on a wig that was synthetic hair.

Once my friend and I got back on the streetcar, he very smartly suggested to me that I had spent too much on the wig. He was even nice enough to call me out on buying the wig in the first place. Mind you - I did not have a lot of money coming in at the time.

I got angry and told him off and went to sit in another part of the streetcar. Before we reached our destination - I smartened up and realized that he was right and everything was as right as rain after that.

Keep in mind too - I do not have the wig anymore. That was like throwing $200.00 out the window.


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