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How To Help Your Dog Prevent Hair Loss

Many dogs lose their hair on a regular basis. If you are dog owner, you may find the occasional clump of hair on the sofa or carpet. With double-coated breeds, this is especially true. Examples of breeds with a double-coat are German Shepherds, Collies, Husky and Welsh corgi.

Seasonal hair loss is known as “blowing coat” or “shedding.” Some dogs also lose a lot of hair when they are getting rid of their puppy hair and developing their adult fur.

Here are some tips to deal with your dog’s hair loss:

· Brush your dog daily
· Always brush your dog in the same direction the hair is growing
· Feed your dog the best dog food
· Do not feed your dog from the table
If a dog is going through excessive fur loss, there may be some underlying problems. Here are some possible causes of canine hair loss, and their symptoms:
· Your dog may have seasonal allergies
· Your dog may be allergic to his food
· Your dog may be allergic to household chemicals
· Your dog may be extra sensitive to flea or mosquito bites
· Hormonal diseases such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease can cause your dog to lose hair in tufts
· Ringworm may be the cause, also known as sarcoptic mange
· Anesthesia or surgery can cause a sudden loss of hair in a dog

Keep in mind that canine hair loss is normal and just a part of owning a dog. If there seems to be an excessive problem, it would be wise to consult a veterinarian.


  1. I owned a German Shepherd and I notices yesterday that he has a hair loss, I got worried about this problem of my pet. I want to cure this immediately because my pet has a beautiful and glossy hair. At first, I think I need to buy a commercial anti-hair loss shampoo, but I'm wrong because it continues the hair loss of my dog. My sister shared your article to me because she told me that your blog has a simple but effective tips. See more about: Vets Somerset


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